接写な。Encephalartos lehmannii(エンセファラルトス・レーマニー)

I want more and more leaves to unfold. South Korea's Soetsu has died several times, so I want to do my best to raise it.

Macro photography of Encephalartos lehmannii. Sotetsu originated in South Africa. Beautiful bluish thin leaves are beautiful. Please enjoy it as a macro photo book.

接写な。Encephalartos lehmannii


Encephalartos lehmannii(エンセファラルトス・レーマニー)の葉っぱ

The pale and sharp leaves are beautiful. The lehmannii leaves are hard.(青白い葉がきれいです。レーマニーの葉は硬いです。)
After all beautiful
After all beautiful.(やっぱり美しい)
Part of the trunk of Su-iron. Leaf development marks become spherical. This strain is baked so that the sprout will develop when baked. I think it was baked before it was imported.
Part of the trunk of lehmannii. Leaf development marks become spherical. This strain is baked so that the sprout will develop when baked. I think it was baked before it was imported.(レーマニーのトランクの一部。葉の発達マークは球状になります。焼いたときに芽が発達するように、この株は焼かれています。輸入される前に焼かれたと思います。)
Where the leaves come out
Where the leaves come out.(葉が出てくるところ)
Enlarged leaves
Enlarged leaves.(葉の拡大)
 Expansion of the trunk. Natural modeling beauty.
Expansion of the trunk. Natural modeling beauty.(トランクの拡大。自然なモデリングの美しさ。)
 I want more and more leaves to unfold. South Korea's Soetsu has died several times, so I want to do my best to raise it.

I want more and more leaves to unfold. South Korea’s Soetsu has died several times, so I want to do my best to raise it.(





